Test Server Data

0 new categories
0 updated categories
5 new category associations
0 updated category associations
8 new components
4 updated components
7 new achievements
0 updated achievements

New Category Associations
New Category Association: 25th Anniversary Tasks belongs to category Anniversary.
New Category Association: 25th Anniversary Mission belongs to category Anniversary.
New Category Association: 25th Anniversary Mission Challenge belongs to category Anniversary.
New Category Association: 25th Anniversary Raid belongs to category Anniversary.
New Category Association: 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges belongs to category Anniversary.

New Achievements
New Achievement - Broken Key of Forests (Greater Faydark)
New Achievement - Oasis of Forests (Tides of Time)
New Achievement - 25th Anniversary Tasks
New Achievement - 25th Anniversary Mission
New Achievement - 25th Anniversary Mission Challenge
New Achievement - 25th Anniversary Raid
New Achievement - 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges

New Componenets
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Tasks: Step Description: Alta the Frightened in Crescent Reach - Chasing What's Not Real
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Tasks: Step Description: Ghrald McMannus in Katta Castrum - Chasing Madness
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Mission: Step Description: Ghrald McMannus in Katta Castrum - Paineel: Reflections of You
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Mission Challenge: Step Description: Reflections of You - Gaius Lucianus saw your Vision of a Dragon's Egg for what it truly was.
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Raid: Step Description: Ghrald McMannus in Katta Castrum - Inner Turmoil
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges: Step Description: Inner Turmoil - Don't attempt to charm or mesmerize any constructs or longings.
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges: Step Description: Inner Turmoil - Never fail to appease a compulsion.
New Achievement Step - 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges: Step Description: Inner Turmoil - Do not allow yourself to be overcome with Self-Recrimination.

Updated Components
Step Change - Broken Key of Forests (Greater Faydark), Step 1: Step Description changed from Broken Key of Forrests to Broken Key of Forests
Step Change - Oasis of Forests (Tides of Time), Step 1: Step Description changed from Oasis of Forrests to Oasis of Forests
Step Change - Year of Darkpaw Tasks, Step 5: Step Description changed from The Tides of Time tower has yet to reveal this task. to Broken Key of Forests
Step Change - Year of Darkpaw Tasks, Step 6: Step Description changed from The Tides of Time tower has yet to reveal this task. to Oasis of Forests